
Coconut Oil Health Benefits Hi, I’m Louise and I absolutely live and breathe coconut Oil!

If you’re like me, and keep up with health news and ‘what’s new’ when it comes to diet – then you must’ve heard the buzz about coconut oil lately.

I spent a lot of years growing up in the tropics – and coconut was a part of life there. So many traditional tropical cultures enjoy wonderful general health, beautiful hair and skin, and the envy of all….toned and trimmed bodies – largely due to coconut oil.

I really don’t think many people knew just how beneficial it actually was back then.

Pacific Islanders, refer to coconut oil as “a cure to all illness” – often referring to the coconut palm as the ‘tree of life’ and the coconut as ‘medicine’. Officially, we can’t refer to it as medicine, but as more research is done on coconut  oil, it is becoming quite apparent that there is an absolute ‘Myriad’ of health benefits surrounding it.

So many people in the world, just don’t fully understand how what you eat, has such a huge effect on your health! There are so many medical conditions and diseases that can be prevented, improved, cured, reversed, purely by the food you eat – and of course, what goes hand in hand with diet? EXERCISE

So in this blog, I’m going to endeavour to shed as much light on the all the Coconut and Coconut Oil health benefits for those who are not yet convinced. Enjoy! Coconut Oil Health

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