Can Coconut Oil Help Cancer Patients?

Coconut oil is lauded for its many beneficial properties. Moreover, it makes many curries and stir fries taste delicious. Studies have shown that coconut oil is a great food for the brain that can help prevent dementia, can improve digestion, is a great skin and hair moisturizer, and is beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

top selling coconut oil amazonCoconut oil contains MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides). Most unsaturated and saturated fats and oils we consume typically contain LCTs (long-chain triglycerides) which cannot be absorbed directly into the bloodstream from the intestines.

Coconut oil health benefits

Long-chain triglycerides require bile acids in order to be converted into water-soluble fats that are absorbed into the bloodstream through the lymphatic system.

Unlike long-chain triglyceride fats, medium-chain triglyceride fats do not require to be digested by bile acids and can be absorbed directly into the blood stream without going through the body’s lymphatic system first. Therefore, medium-chain triglycerides are easier to metabolize because they enter the bloodstream directly in a way that’s similar to the way sugar (glucose) enters.

Can coconut oil shrink cancer?

Although it’s still unclear whether cancer cells can use fat as an energy source, studies have shown that they are simple cells that mainly thrive on glucose. Therefore, theoretically, adopting a diet that is high in fat can create an environment that does not favor cancer cells. When glucose as a source of energy is inadequate, neurons use byproducts of fat metabolism (ketones), as a source of energy. However, cancer cells lack the mechanism for generating extra cell engines, or mitochondria, required for breaking down (metabolizing) ketone bodies.

While there are no scientific studies proving that medium-chained fats by themselves can shrink cancer, medium-chain fats have proven promising in the fight against cancer especially when combined with ketogenic diet regimens.

How does coconut oil help cancer patients?

There are numerous studies that suggest that coconut oil can be a helpful in the fight against some types of cancer. Some of the benefits of coconut oil in the fight against cancer include:

can coconut oil help shrink cancers Fights certain cancer cells

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers and it can be very painful. The American Society for nutrition conducted clinical studies that show that coconut oil contains fats that can be used in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, Chrohn’s disease, gallbladder disease, virus-related diseases (herpes, hepatitis C, mononucleosis, etc.) and cancer.

coconut oil cancer treatment Eases chemotherapy pain

Studies have shown that virgin coconut oil can potentially reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and ease chemotherapy pain for cancer patients. According to studies by Lipids in Health and Disease, there’s an overall improvement in health and the quality of life of breast cancer patients who use coconut oil.

During the study, breast cancer patients who use virgin coconut oil saw significant improvements in their dyspnea, fatigue, loss of appetite symptoms, and sleep difficulties compared to patients who did not use virgin coconut oil. Moreover, cancer patients who used coconut oil during the study also had significant improvements in breast cancer symptoms, sexual function, breast functioning, future perspective, body image, and the side effects of systemic therapy during radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments.

can coconut oil help cancer patients Wards off pathogens

While battling cancer, it can be hard for many patients to maintain a healthy immune system. This is largely because cancer treatments such as chemotherapy wreak havoc on the body and compromise the immune system. Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids which make it an ideal dietary supplement for increasing the function of the immune system. Coconut oil is perfect for the immune system and studies show that it is more effective compared to unsaturated oils.

Coconut oil has numerous antifungal, antimicrobial and antiviral benefits. Numerous studies have shown that using coconut oil in supplements or while cooking kills pathogens by disrupting the lipid membrane without damaging healthy bacteria in the patient’s body. Additionally, coconut oil is rich in fatty acids and monoglycerides, like capric acid and lauric acid, which have antimicrobial benefits to help fight troublesome viruses and germs.

Health benefits of coconut oil

The bottom-line

The Journal Cancer Research recently published a study that shows that coconut oil contains an active anti-cancer component. A study conducted by a University of Adelaide shows that coconut oil is rich in lauric acid which kills more than 90% of colon cancer cells in just two days.

Although this study was mainly conducted in vitro, scientists believe that coconut oil (mainly lauric acid) could also kill cancer cells in clinical studies. Studies have also shown that coconut oil decreases the toxic side effects of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. However, more research needs to be conducted to examine the exact role MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) play in reducing cancer growth.

Check out another 60 uses for coconut oil HERE!

benefits of using coconut oil for health

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