Weight Loss by Coconut Oil!


Coconut Oil and Weight Loss   

Weight loss coconut oilVery shocking facts, but almost 31.8% (23.9 million) of adolescents and children aged between 2 and 19 in U.S.A are obese or overweight; that’s 16.9% (13 million) obese kids!

Even more alarming, is the fact that about 68.5% (78 million) adult Americans are overweight or obese; (yes that’s 34.9% [one third] obese adults in the USA!)

What’s in it ?            

 Coconut oil is very rich in MCFAs (medium chain fatty acids) such as lauric acid which makes up 50% of the total MCFAs in this natural oil. Clinical studies have proven that lauric acid elevates metabolism. Therefore, this is good news for everyone who is trying to lose weight. As a result of the higher metabolism rate, the body burns more calories. Moreover, among all fatty acids, lauric acid is metabolized most quickly, therefore coconut oil has a thermogenic effect on the body. (Pretty much means you burn calories as you eat it!)

How Does Coconut Oil Help me?

Since I started taking coconut oil and using it in my cooking, I have   realized that I normally experience high energy levels just after consuming coconut oil. This has a scientific explanation and it’s mainly due to the higher body temperatures and increased metabolism. Therefore, coconut oil has proven to be very good especially for people with low performing thyroids.

Why take Coconut Oil for Weight Loss?        

Besides experiencing higher energy levels, most people who try coconut oil for weight loss normally experience fewer cravings for sweets and carbohydrates. For instance when I started consuming a t least 2 table spoons of this natural oil, I started eating far much less because I felt very energetic throughout the day.

MCFAs provide a feeling of fullness or satiety because they boost metabolism and maintain it at high levels for at least 24 hours after consumption. However, this is not the case when you consume LCTs (long chain triglycerides) and other low fat foods. This is the main reason why most low fat diet programs are not effective for weight loss especially in the long run.

Metabolism = Coconut Oil Weight Loss!

 According to a report by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, published in 2000, coconut oil is normally metabolised 3 times faster than other oils and fats. Consuming foods that contain medium chain fatty acids – MCFAs (such as coconut oil which contains lauric acid) increases metabolism by at least 12% unlike long chain fatty acids which boost metabolism by just a mere 4%. 

Therefore consumption of foods and oils which are rich in MCFA’s such as coconut oil results in weight loss even without necessarily having to reduce the calorie intake.

Everything you eat affects your metabolic rate because of the increased activity in your cells in a bid to facilitate digestion of what you have consumed. Therefore, some foods have a positive impact on your metabolic rate whereas other foods have a negative impact. The increase metabolism stimulated by the MCFAs in the coconut oil normally increases the amount of calories burnt while doing your regular activities.

 No Need to Snack!

 Another benefit that I enjoy since I started using coconut oil is that I rarely Can coconut oil help with losing weighttake small meals in between my normal meals because I always feel satisfied and full for longer after eating. This is because besides increasing the calorie expenditure, the oil also slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose. Therefore, you can burn more calories and enjoy the energetic feeling throughout the day by simply adding the healthy coconut oil to your diet. Therefore, you should not be afraid of adding coconut oil to your normal meals.

Coconut Oil and Weight Loss – through Detox.                                        

With coconut oil weight loss occurs naturally through detoxification of the body which helps the body get rid of toxins and other substances that cause digestive problems. I started by taking one teaspoon of coconut oil per day and then worked my dosage to 3 teaspoons per day. I recommend the same gradual process in order to give your body ample time to adjust to this healthy natural oil.  

Read more about the amazing uses for coconut oil HERE!

benefits of using coconut oil for health

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